Goalkeepers 2018: Opportunities for Development in Africa harnessing on the SDG’s 

"Opportunities come to those prepared." 
The Goalkeepers 2018 conference organized by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation addressed various opportunities applicable to the African Continent. President Macron, a speaker at the conference pointed that Accountability and concrete results are two important factors for our realization of the Sustainable Development Goals. Leaders, he also regarded play a very important part in the actualization of these goals as they inspire action and keep the government in check. 

Three main challenges:
Planet, The fact that we focused on results made things work as everything is in a big time of acceleration. We have to shift people and Mangers from day to day business to the climate business. There is a clear opportunity for African Countries to harness her climate conditions to both generate businesses and employees and also promote the SDG’s. There should be great investment in that sector in Africa as we tend to have Extreme climate conditions, mentioning both Desert countries and the Rain Forest. Africa needs to become leaders in solar energy and Wind Energy. There is a large market, as Africa’s energy needs are still unresolved. This means that we can greatly improve our Continent and also promote climate conditions if we give it the focus and attention required. Africa has a huge number of the uneducated population of the world. It is important we see this as a priority in Africa to greatly increase the level of education in our Continent. Opportunities are better harnessed by the Educated, as knowledge is very important to any country or continents development.
President Macron of France pushed for the need for gender equality in Africa. Gender Equality is an issue with no borders. Africa tends to have a lot of cultural norms that tend to reduce the “worth” of a woman. It is important that Women aren’t perceived to be less than men. Every Woman not given a chance to develop herself and to pursue her dreams is one less great potential for her nation. Investing in Women and girls is very necessary for Africa to reach the development we want. The Women in Africa need to be allowed to make their choices and also be given the right to Education. This is a great gap but also a great opportunity for us to empower our Women to be Solution providers and not just objects of our Cultural norms. President Macron regarded Inequalities as a major imbalance to our Society. The French President mentioned health as a major issue in Africa. Focus on the health conditions of people in our continent also relate with the standard of living of the Continent in General.
Africa has a large majority of the youth in the world. The Youth have a huge part to play in the development of our country. President Macron mentioned that the future of the youth in Africa is not to leave Africa, the youth should not aspire to be like the Europeans but the 21 st Century Africans. We need to stay and build our Continent.
As inspired by the Performance of naturally 7, we need to “Wake up Everybody” for Africa to develop.

Maroh Ejiro
Gracit Foundation
Lagos, Nigeria


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